When there are budget restraints, you need options.
Introducing BusComm's Revcord Logging as a Service (LaaS).

As many agencies' budgets continue to tighten and funding is harder to obtain, BusComm now offers an alternative to the conventional “purchase” of logging equipment. BusComm's Revcord Logging as a Service (LaaS) allows you to acquire new recording equipment without having to rely on capital budgets and expenditures. For an affordable annual payment, you can acquire a new logging system including installation, training, and support. By taking advantage of BusComm's LaaS program, you will never have to purchase another Logging Recorder again!

What's included?

  • Logging system configured for your specific recording needs
  • Recording equipment, installation, and user training
  • 24/7/365 support, with access to revcord’s online support portal
  • 24/7/365 system monitoring
  • All Revcord software upgrades

Benefits of Northland’s Revcord LaaS

Predictable fixed-cost contracts enable you to
easily forecast technology expenses and budgets

Free up staff from managing infrastructure,
software upgrades, disaster recovery, and

No approval needed for capital expenditures and no RFP process needed

Access to the latest and greatest technology
and software updates

Affordable annual payment

Keep data safe with CJIS-compliant security

Learn how BusComm's Revcord LaaS can help you future-proof your organization's logging solution, while having an affordable and predictable annual fee